It was a hallowed day back in 1886 when the picturesque village of Te Wairoa was almost entirely buried after a mammoth eruption of nearby Mount Tarawera. Preserved due to the volcanic ash that literally dissolved the city, its natural and man-made structures as well as community elements more than a century in age are now on display at the “Buried Village” in one of New Zealand’s most haunting historic attractions to date. Frequented by visitors young and old the remains of the a once thriving village community can now be explored in its entirety with guided tours taking visitors on a trip back through the annals of time to 19th century New Zealand and the natural disaster that rocked one of its most scenic corners.

Sprawled across 12 acres the unique historic site encompasses a wide range of highlights which include a parkland like open space where towering trees and bird life offer a quiet reminder of the events that shaped the area well over a century ago. Guests can take a tour of the former village’s civic structures and public buildings all preserved by the thick layer of volcanic ash that covered the structures in 1886. The tours are conducted by none other than the decedents of those who once occupied the village of Te Wairoa, locally dubbed the Tuhourangis. The excavated village indeed serves as a living testament to the mayhem that ensued the night the volcano erupted while the acclaimed Museum of Te Wairoa examines the history of the village, its community life and the story of the pink and white terraces.

Those who wish to enhance their knowledge of the Maori community can grab an insightful book or souvenir from the Smith’s Souvenir Store which also offers a wide range of publications on Maori culture, mythology and history. After a visit to the Buried Village, guests can stopover at the Te Wairoa Tearooms where snacks such as scones and Devonshire tea are served in a homely setting.
Travellers in search of a hotel in Rotorua should look to the Millennium Hotel Rotorua for all their accommodation needs. Ideally situated this stylish Rotorua hotel pulls out all the stops when it comes to providing discerning visitors with elegant living spaces.